Reading List
200hr & 300hr
Summary - Readings, Colourings
As part of your training please read/colour in 3 books and submit a summary before the beginning of the training. You may order the books hard copy/soft copy or digital, kindle (except reference books). If you sign up late and do not have the time to read/colouor all of them, do not worry, you may hand it in after the training and receive the certificate digitally once done.
The summaries may be handwritten or digital and can be as long as you choose. What is important is your demonstration of understanding.
We suggest to order the reference books in soft/hard cover, because you will look through them happily for a lifetime as a reference for yourself or your teachings.
Due to the flight and luggage restrictions, you may please bring ONLY the “Light on Yoga” Book to Bali – thank you!