
  1. Bringing a Beginner’s Mind to Bali means looking at the world through a beginner’s eyes and packing an open mind and humility for your training/vacation. The term is a translation of the original word Shoshin, which comes from Zen Buddhism. It means looking at every situation you get into as if you were seeing it for the first time.
  2. To have the ability to give your best and show up every day, especially on days when you don’t feel like it, and come up with your best on that very day.
  3. Being able to honor and adapt to the greater good and the good of the group, which doesn’t mean that your self-love doesn’t come first and is the basis for everything.
  4. A fit/healthy body: what does that mean?
    This training/vacation is not about you being flexible and “bendable” (and able to touch your toes) – that’s a total misunderstanding of yoga. Also it is not about you being “acrobatic” enough to do the handstand or “strong” enough to stay in plank for 3 minutes or do 30 push-ups. This training goes beyond the physical layer. Digging deep. Yoga is MUCH more than our body. The body is “just the tip of the iceberg” in yoga and in this training/vacation, this aspect of the infinite space of the mind and soul is given a lot of space for individual exploration.

So what exactly does it imply to be physically fit for this training/holiday?

  • Please fill out our questionnaire, which you will receive after registration, honestly (Satya=living your truth) and comprehensively so that we know exactly about your physical constitution in the present. Everything is treated with sincere confidence and to your highest intention.
  • Be vital, open, motivated and with good intention to do your best on the mat twice a day (once a day on vacation if chosen), even if you “only” do what you can physically do – i.e. do not go beyond your limits (very important in your training/vacation). Ahimsa = non-violence towards your body.
  • not that you need 2 injections or strong anesthetics (or similar) to be physically able to sit on the plane at all.
  • if serious physical limitations, surgeries, medications etc could severely or slightly affect your practice, please send us a confirmation from your doctor what exactly this concerns and that he/she feels it is ok for you to participate in a trip to Asia plus 3 weeks yoga teacher training/vacation in the tropics at 30 degree

5.  healthy mental attitude / manageable mental medication – what does that mean?

it is ok for us if you are experiencing burn-out, addiction, mental limitations or are taking antidepressants/psychopharmaceuticals (we also see this training as a contribution to healing) BUT

  • Please fill out our questionnaire, which you will receive after registration, honestly (Satya=living your truth) and comprehensively so that we know exactly what it is about and how we can support you exactly
    it is VERY important for us that you tell us honestly in advance whether and which diagnosed mental limitations you experience and which medication you take regularly
  • if you are taking psychiatric medication, please send us a confirmation from your doctor/psychiatrist as to what exactly and that he/she feels it is ok for you to participate in a trip to Asia plus a 3 weeks yoga teacher training/vacation
  • a guarantee for us that you yourself will not reduce/stop taking the  medication during the training/holiday and only at home with medical supervision.
  • Completion of a Level 1 -200-Hour YTTC is a prerequisite for registration with the Yoga Alliance and other esteemed yoga registries as a 500-Hour RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher). 
  • Our 300-hour program is divided into four modules, and these modules are now open to all practitioners interested in specific areas of study. While we recommend having the 200-hour certification , those genuinely interested who have not completed a 200-hour Yoga Alliance Registered Training can do directly the 300-Hour Yoga Teacher training without having a 200hrs certification 
  • During this program we offer individual modules listed as sub trainings with YACEP ( yoga alliance continue education provider ) such as : module 1: back care , shoulder and knees , module 2: heart, metabolism and gut health , module3: mental health , module 4 : Ayurveda for yoga teachers 
  • * each module includes its own booklet
    ** each module is a yoga alliance continuing education program, and yoga teachers who take the modules are elegible for Yacep hours certification , this modules can be taken in different locations and different times if necessary  
    *** the 300 hrs completion certificate is awarded after successful completion of all modules course , each module counts towards the 300hrs certification. Existing 200hrs RYT are elegible to register with yoga alliance as 500RYT once they completed all modules required

Yes – our yoga holidays are ideal for this! They can stay with you or we are happy to suggest alternative activities/accommodation for your family.

Flights are not included in the price. Please book yourself; the sooner the cheaper! Do not forget the 100% protection travel insurance!

100% complete protection Travel insurance is mandatory at this teacher training & holiday. We recommend for Austrians Donau or World Nomads. If you have an insurance through a credit card; please also check here if it includes evacuation flights and full hospitalization

1) Personal responsibilityAll course participants are responsible for their own visa and can enquire at their travel agency, embassy or on the official Indonesian websiteWe advise you to only use this website for visas. Please do your own research! Yoga Bali is not responsible for making sure you choose your correct visa (as it is constantly changing since COVID, we cannot take responsibility nor expertise for this – thank you for your understanding). But we are super happy to help you of course. You are very welcome to contact us at any time.

2) Clear information

We have now copied everything about the visa from the official website below (only copied!)

3) Please apply for your visa only here

4) You can also contact Ella from Mas Travel (our coordination office here in Bali for visas and legalities) via whatsapp and say you are coming from me; however, she only speaks English and Indonesian: +62 – 819-1610-0924. Please do not accept Ella’s very first offer but ask her to give you all the options especially also the affordable ones. 

5) Which visas are available and which steps are necessary?

All visitors need a

  • passport with min. 6 months validity. and
  • a return ticket (that falls into the time frame of your visa).
  • Visa
  •  furthermore: customs declaration, SSHP & arrival fee (see next column)
Here is a brief summary of the visas you may be eligible for (please do not rely on this information/costs 100% as they are constantly changing and may no longer be correct by the time you read this; we just copied this for you on 14/09/2024):
a) VOA – Visa on Arrival Visa can be applied for/payed for online or on site at the airport (costs the same, but no queuing online) . VOA can be extended online for 30 days, if you bought it on site you have to go to immigration, so we advise ONLINE! 

Type of Visa B1 – 30 Days

  1. Stay
  • Up to 30 days (extendable for another 30 days)
  1. Cost
  • Rp500.000
    1. With this visa you can
      1. Conducting activities related to tourism, and visiting friends or family.
      2. Participate in meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions as an attendee.
      3. Traveling in Indonesia on a yacht (yachter).
    1. You must
      1. Comply with laws and regulations.
      2. Respect local customs, culture, and wisdom.
      3. Have sufficient living expenses while in Indonesia.
    1. Other information
      1. Staying in Indonesia over the period of your stay permit, engaging in prohibited activities, not complying with visa conditions,
        and/or not complying with Indonesian laws may result in you paying fines, being deported, and/or other legal charges.
      2. You are prohibited from selling goods or services.
      3. You are prohibited from receiving rewards or wages from individuals or companies in Indonesia.
    1. Document Requirement
      Present the following documents to the immigration officer upon arrival for immigration inspection:
      1. Passport valid for at least 6 months.
      2. Outbound ticket from Indonesia.
  1. Visa Validity

b) Visa for Two months (60 days) – 

Tourism Visa – 60 Days


  1. Stay

Up to 60 Days (extendable)

  1. Cost

IDR 1,500,000

  1. Processing time
    1. Most tourist visas are processed within five working days.
    2. We will contact you when your visa application is completed.
    3. Your visa application may take longer to process if the information required for your visa is incomplete or missing.
  1. With this visa you can
    1. Visit family or friends.
    2. Visit Indonesia for the purpose of tourism.
    3. Attend meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions as an atendee.
  1. You must
    1. Be staying in Indonesia for visit purposes only.
    2. Be financially sufficient during your stay in Indonesia.
    3. Comply with all visa conditions and Indonesia laws.
  1. Other information
    1. You can extend this visa or convert it into another visa or stay permit.
    2. You are prohibited from staying in Indonesia after your stay permit expires..
    3. You are prohibited from carrying out any profit-making activities in any form.
    4. You are prohibited from attending events as a speaker.
    5. Performing prohibited activities, not complying with the terms of your visa, and/or not complying with the laws of Indonesia may result in you paying fines, being deported, and/or other legal charges.
  1. Document Requirement
    1. Passport that is valid for at least 6 (six) months (for holders of travel documents other than passports such as emergency passports, documents of identity, etc. must be valid for 12 months).
    2. A recent color photograph.
    3. Proof of living expenses at least US$ 2,000 (two thousand United States Dollars) or equivalent;
  1. Visa Validity
    1. This visa must be used within 90 days from the date of issue.
    2. Please note that the visa validity period is different from the period of stay, kindly check your visa for the period of stay Information.

Electronic customs declaration

A form must be completed before or on arrival in Bali to declare the potential import of goods or cash. This form is available at the airport in Bali and can be completed by hand. However, the import declaration can also be completed online before travelling using the following link: https://ecd.beacukai.go.id/

The form (online or offline) may be completed in any case, even if you are not importing goods or large sums of cash (or cheques) to Bali.

Stages of the electronic customs declaration (e-customs declaration) Completion:
* The declaration can be completed up to 3 days before arrival in Indonesia;
* Visit the website https://ecd.beacukai.go.id/
* Fill out the declaration form consisting of:
a. Passenger information (filled in based on passport and boarding pass data),
b. Additional information (information on the number of baggage carried),
c. Information on the goods (fill in the information on the list of goods, if not available, ‘not/no’ can be selected),
d.IMEI registration (if required).
d.Consent (tick in the column indicated);

4. retrieve the QR code after registration:
a. Download or screenshot of the QR code,
b.Check e-mail


1) SATUSEHAT Health Passport (SSHP)
From 27 August 2024, all international travellers to Indonesia will be allowed to fill out the SATUSEHAT Health Passport (SSHP) upon arrival to prevent the spread of Mpox. The SSHP can be easily accessed and completed online at https://sshp.kemkes.go.id without the need to download a separate app. The form also requires your seat number on the flight, so it is best to fill it out at check-in or after landing.

2) Tourist Entry Fee
Please note that from 14 February 2024, a new tourist entry fee of IDR 150,000 (approx. USD 10) will be charged for all travellers. To ensure a smooth entry, a one-time payment is required prior to arrival, regardless of the mode of transport chosen (land, sea or air). Guests can pay the fee via the official website https://lovebali.baliprov.go.id/

Alternatively, it is also possible to pay by credit card on arrival.


Me and the expats that I know living here in Indonesia do not usually & regularly vaccinate against local/tropical diseases. Exceptions are acute conditions such as COVID & SSNP or similar, where everyone makes their own decisions. However me or Yoga Bali are not medically trained doctors so please double check with your own doctor, thank you!

Topics: Malaria, stomach ache, diarrhea, dengue?

Malaria does not officially exist in Bali

The ‘Bali Belly’ is known as a gastro illness, which is a completely normal traveller’s diarrhea. There are Chinese natural tablets Po Chai, charcoal tablets and medicines. However, please ask your doctor what he or she recommends for you bring with you.

There is dengue in Bali, but we are in very healthy and well ventilated areas, either on the mountain, by the river or on the beach, where it is VERY rare or non-existent. Protecting yourself from mosquitoes is always a good idea (i.e. please close the mosquito net after 4pm, wear a natural organic mosquito repellent after 4pm and light clothing that covers arms and legs). 

For Austrians more information is available at MD Travel Health. The complete health recommendations for each country are updated daily.

For information specific to travel vaccination see the homepage of the Federal Ministry of Health

Drugs: Indonesia has NO ACCEPTANCE, CAUTION! This also applies to hemp products.

Medication: Please bring everything you need for personal use or what your doctor recommends, because sometimes we are a bit away from everything and it’s good to have it on hand or for emergencies. It’s always good to be prepared 🙂 If you have complicated or serious medication, please let us know in advance and bring a doctor’s note)

Suggestions for medication to bring: Yes to bringing your own Travel Pharmacy: Your prescribed medication, mosquito bite preventative and bite treatment, magnesium, rehydration powder, diarrhea medication, powder for heat rash (if you are prone to it) and oils/lotions/potions that keep you happy and healthy.

Otherwise, antibiotics, medicines and natural remedies are of course also available locally and there are quite good clinics/hospitals/health food shops in Bali.

Food supplements: Please take whatever you like to take or need for training – possibly additional vitamins, minerals etc. We definitely recommend magnesium. We definitely recommend magnesium.

Yoga Bali has a first-aid kit on site.

Travelling lightly means packing lightly! Also, you’ll most likely shop in Bali, as Bali has so much to offer. There are so many beautiful, unique and affordable items!

There is an efficient laundry service, so it is not necessary to bring a complete wardrobe for every single day. Please remember, we are in a tropical environment:

  • Yoga clothes: 3-4 short or 3/4 pants (no long pants made of thick material); if t-shirts for yoga, then lightweight cotton, Spaghetti-halter tops or sports bras are ideal for ladies; thin little panties prevent heat rashes
  • Please bring your own yoga mat!
  • Sandals (although plastic sandals such as Havaianas are ideal for everyday use & great for rain (Beate uses them), we suggest to check out environmentally friendly shoes that brave the rain), open elegant sandals for evening/going out, comfortable shoes, sneakers for hiking. If socks then half-socks only, 1 – 2 pairs of light socks for sneakers
  • Shorts with cotton t-shirts, summer skirts with tops, airy summer dresses, shirts (cotton, airy), 1 lightweight sweatshirt, hoodie, light pants, airy cotton pants, 1 pair of jeans
  • Bikinis, swimsuit, sun hat, sunglasses
  • Snorkeling equipment, plastic shoes for the sea (Amed beach is rocky)
  • Sarongs (or buy them in Bali)
  • 2 white tops (that cover the shoulders) or light cotton blouses or t-shirts that are long enough that you can fit a belt around – these are for our temple excursions and ceremonies.
  • A scarf that covers your shoulders
  • Rain Coat and small carry around umbrella
  • For the mountains: warm jacket, jogging suit, waterproof jacket, hiking boots with socks, comfortable long pants, jeans, T-shirts, lumberjack or other shirts.
  • Insect repellent, sunscreen (biodegradable please)
  • Daypack, cloth bag for shopping
  • WATER BOTTLE to refill, NOT out of plastic
  • Camera, Torch, Alarm (wo we dont use the handy first thing in morning)
  • Note Book for the teacher training theory, Travel diary or Yoga Journal
  • your own medicine and one bandage (we also need for yoga); mosquito repellent or anti itch cream; magnesium
  • Extra phone for local calls, direct telephone for international calls
  • international driving license (in case, you want to drive around after or before the training but it is better to hire a driver, they are very cheap and cheerful) and driving here is a story and a half. We di NOT recommend to hire a motorbike during the training.
  • Travel Pharmacy 

Yes, we recommend taking some cash (100-300) in your currency with you. It is almost always advisable to travel anywhere in the world with a small amount of (security) cash. Of course you can take more with you, but it’s best not to take too much because it’s safer.

Changing money

You can exchange cash at local money changers. We recommend avoiding changing money at the airport as this is more expensive. Please only go to official, air-conditioned, bright and behind glass doors money changers and not to any dodgy dark money changers in a side street. Always do the maths yourself or use a calculator and type it in. Some calculators ‘miscalculate’. ATMs and banks have a better rate!


Otherwise, there are ATMs everywhere, even at the airport or during the car journey (except in Jati Luwih, where the Batu Karu Coffee Estate is located – our first destination). Ask your bank whether your ATM card is valid internationally and ideally take a second card and a credit card with you.


Arrival / Departure

3 options

1) Download Grab or Gojek (only with Bali sim card (details above under phone). This is the cheapest version. There is a Grab Lounge at the airport, you could walk there.

2) Taxi at the official taxi stand at the airport

3) We are happy to organise your pick up (we do not make a profit from this and give you the very best rate we can find). The driver will be at the airport with a sign with your name on it.

The journey to Jatiluwih (Batukaru Coffee Estate) costs around 44 euros (IDR 760,000) with driver, but prices can change at any time. If another participant arrives at the same time, you will be informed by us and you can share the transport (for up to 3-4 passengers – depends on the luggage – the rate remains the same). Plus UNESCO World Heritage entry fee € 3 (IDR 50,000) per person.

to 2) & 3) You can pay this with cash in IDR (Indonesian Rupiah (currently 9.24/ 10 Euro are approx. 170,000 IDR) from the bank machine or money changer (see details column above under cash) OR have it written to your room


If you are travelling in Bali or Lombok for less than 3 months, you can get a tourist SIM card. This is currently possible in certain Telkomsel shops (they are also available at the airport but a little more expensive; nevertheless often very affordable for Europeans for the sake of convenience). You should always bring your passport with you!
Costs: 50-150,000 IDR. (between 3,5 – 9 Euro).

It is good to have a SIM card to be set up for Apps like Gojek (cheapest and easiest transport with Bike and car lus delivery/pick up service)

There are many providers, we suggest Telkomsel.

If you would like to enjoy some extra time before or after your training, we are happy to help and advise you. We actually think this is a very good idea because it gives you a chance to get over the jet lag time and arrive slowly plus you can also enjoy a vacation and see more of Bali! 

We suggest the following before the training:

* You could stay an extra night at Batukaru Coffee Estate, where our training always starts; that is advisable if you arrive one night early and we are happy to arrange this for you!

* You could also visit Ubud for example – there we suggest staying at Ubud Sari. (Ubud only makes sense if you arrive at least 2 days before the training starts because it is 2 hours away from Batukaru and otherwise it would be a real detour while Canggu is on the way)

* Or you could go to Canggu to Bali Serenity  (inexpensive and with yoga & vegan) or Zin (more luxury). this is also possible for only one night as it is on the way to Batukaru.

* Another (more mature) option would be Sanur. This is interesting for 2 or more nights

* A visit to the nearby islands such as Nusa Lembongan or the Gilis or a Bali round trip would also be interesting. That would only be for 3 days plus.

For after the training it really depends on how much time you have. We suggest to arrange these plans during the trainings.

For more details please find here our BALI TRAVEL TIPS. 

First Day

  • Arrival Batukaru Coffee Estate: all day
  • Lunch: whenever you like
  • Hike, river, relaxing: all afternoon
  • Welcome dinner:  start between 18:00 or 19:30
  • Evening by the Fire with Intention Se

Second Day

  • Meditation, Pranayama: 6:00 – 6:30
  • Tea or Smoothie: 6:30 – 7:00
  • Asana Praxis: 7:00 – 9:00
  • Breakfast: 09:00-10:00
  • Balinese Ceremony: 10:00 – 11:00
  • Welcome Circle: 11:00 – 12:00
  • Theory: 12:00 – 13:00
  • Lunch & Break: 13:00 – 15:00

Second to last day

  • Meditation, Pranayama: 6:00 – 7:00
  • Morning practice: 07:00 – 09:00
  • Breakfast: 09:00-10:00
  • Written part of certification: 10:00 – 13:00
  • Lunch: 13:00
  • Option: Excursion or Relax: afternoon
  • Sunset Celebration: 17:30 – 19:00

Last Day

  • Meditation & Pranayama: 06:00 – 07:30
  • Final Celebration Breakfast: 08:00 – 9:00
  • Certificate Ceremony: 9:00-12:oo
  • Check-out: 12/13:00 

further questions

Please find everything about your destinations & accommodations here


Please find everything about our Bali Buffets & Cuisine here

lPLease find all information about our trips & activities here

There is so much to do! Bali is so exciting! 

*Visit temples and other ‘spiritual’ and cultural Balinese sites
*Hot thermal springs and water temple baths & purifications (Melukat)
*Hiking to waterfalls
*Hiking or cycling, mountain biking through rice fields and landscapes
*Swimming, surfing, diving, beach visits, snorkelling, kayaking, sunbathing, boat trips
*Massages and spa visits with traditional Asians Beauty rituals (such as body scrubs with herbs (Mandi lulur), special hair masks with head massages (Creambath), flower baths with ancient herbs, spicy vapours, etc.),
*therapies such as CranioSacral or unique acupuncture, crystal bowls or sound baths (pyramids of Chi Ubud), visits to Balinese and Javanese healers,
*Ecstatic dances (Saiuri’s and Yogabarn Ubud)
*traditional Balinese dances
*breathtaking white water rafting, *elephant safaris
*volcano climbs
*markets & shopping
*visits to other yoga studios such as Yogabarn, Desa Seni
*Art galleries & museums
*Painting, stone and wood carving, ceramics courses
*Chatting with the Balinese as they go about their daily chores
*Domestic trips, nearby island excursions etc…
*Just travelling through Bali and looking out of the window is an adventure in itself!

Here is our Bali travel guide

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