Bali Yoga Teacher Training 2024

Become a

Certified Yoga Teacher


or enjoy a

Yoga Holiday

in magical Bali!

Individual attention

Multigenerational family

Handpicked destinations

Away from tourism

In experienced hands

Travel in 3 Weeks around the “Island of the Gods”

and meander from the Vulcano Jungle

across  Ricefields to the Sea!

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200hr multi style

Jan 28th - Feb 17th '25 ..........................German

June 2 – 22nd '25 .......................................German

August 9 – 29th '25 .............English/German

October 5 - 25th '25 .................................German

Jan 25th - Feb 14th ’26 ..........................German

What are students saying about
the Bali Yoga Teacher Trainings?

For more reviews please click here.
  • We practise yoga with the Deepest Passion – for yoga and life and pass this on to you with all our heart!
  • We work for the Highest Good – we believe in a conscious, fair, ethical, tolerant and holistic lifestyle with play & humor!
  • Enjoy Individuality – you, your strengths and weaknesses on and off the mat and your personal values are our top priority!
  • Bathe in a Family Atmosphere – bring your friends & family! Our accommodations are managed by Beate’s close friends – cosy at home overseas!
  • Experience Community Spirit – we are proud of our team spirit and the “togetherness & the power” as a group and community with each other & wonderful Indonesians!
  • Feel Safe in Experienced Hands – Yoga Bali & Wellness was established by Beate in 2005 – Bali’s first official yoga company; Beate lives in Bali since 1991.
  • Highly qualified leadership & teachers – taught by multi-certified teachers & therapists
  • Internationally highest standards – your certificate is globally recognized – you can teach worldwide!
  • Continuing education – we offer 300hr and YACEP
  • Experience Multi Style – upon completion you will teach a basic Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin practice!
  • Expanded modern curriculum – classes in psycho- & trauma therapy for mental health and additional activities are a progressive part of the program; optional life coaching & therapies
  • Explore Magical Bali – and travel  to 3-4 different destinations4 trips included!
  • Back to Nature – we live in the jungle by the volcano, in the rice fields and on the beach with mobile phone breaks, scheduled silences and permaculture tours as part of the curriculum and contribution to save the environment. 
  • Flexible Terms  – installment payments; scholarships for Indonesians & others; incentives for content creator

Multi-Style: Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin

You will teach a basic Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin practice by the end of this training!

…while you also  experience a variety of “styles” of yoga:

  • Hatha Yoga focused on alignment as taught by Beate practicing and studying the Iyengar method since 25 years
  • Creative Vinyasa Flow Inspirations
  • Yin Yoga Level 1 Course & Restorative Yoga 
  • Therapeutic Yoga Level 1
  • Bali Yoga Bootcamp Style – a combo of yoga & fitness/strength training
  • Sahaja Yoga – Free Movement and Dance


  • to become a 200hr Yoga Alliance certified, internationally recognised yoga teacher


  • to advance ur personal practice and dive deeper into yoga wisdom 
  • to experience yoga as a holistic form of life
  • to explore your “dharma” (purpose) beginning your journey


  • to apply your knowledge of yoga to your current profession


  • to receive practical tools through life coaching& psycho therapy in a yogic environment.


  •  seeking an authentic Bali vacation with a yogic twist to clear the mind and strengthen the body.

In order to prepare for the training in Bali, students are given a Reading List. We ask that you please complete a written/painted assignment on three selected books.

Thank you for your commitment!

06:00-06:30  Meditation, Pranayama
06:30–07:00 Tea Break
07:00-09:00 Asana Practice
09:00-10:00 Breakfast & Break
10:00-13:00 Theory, Anatomy, Asana Lab 
13:00-15:00 Lunch & Break
15:00-17:00 Theory, Anatomy, Methodology 
17:00-18:00 Asana, Teaching, Studies
18:30  Dinner
after free, sometimes activities
  • 2 days off
  • first and last day ar arrival and departure d

We feel it is important not only to learn about yoga, but also to get to know Bali better in the course of this training. As it is not only breathtakingly beautiful, but also has a lot to offer, culturally and spiritually, to learn from and absorb, this is an important part of the training. 

more about our dive into Bali here

In addition you may enjoy your Life Coaching sessions separately or sign up for our Yoga Bali Coaching Pack:.

Women Life Coaching with Theresa Schiessl

In case you are dealing with acute or chronic pains or mental health, our trainings and holidays are accompanied by well trained selected therapists:  

Rolfing with Pablo Alvarez 

Reiki with Theresa Schiessl

Osteopathy, Craniosacral, Acupucture, Cupping & more with Rachel Ellery

more here

Our adventures in Bali are in German (except 300hr and month of August is in English) with German speaking teachers, except anatomy is translated live from English (if necessary)

As the 300hr training and the August 200hr training is in English, there is extra support for German speakers:

  • The books on the reading list and
  • the Teacher Training Manual are available in English and German
  • Beate and the team can support you in both languages
  • You can take the final oral and practical exams in either German or English
  • German speaking assistant will help translate during anatomy and other lessons if necessary 

.Our Yoga Teacher Trainings in Bali are in German with German speaking nationals mainly – only the Anatomy part is in English, but can be translated if needed; however we do offer extra support for English speaking nationals: 

  • the books from the reading list and the Teacher Training Handbook are all available in both English and German
  • Beate and German speaking teachers and assistants support you in both languages
  • you may write/do the final written and practical exam in either German or English
  • all lectures have translators



€ 500 (to be paid with your application

Yoga Teacher Training 200hr

  • € 2,500 (incl deposit)

Yoga Holiday here

  • € 550 / week 
  • € 1,500 / 3 weeks plus accommodation 
  • additional hours at € 10/hr
  • full YTT program without certification additional € 300

Acommodation Food

YTT/Holiday/3 weeks

  • Single     € 2,200
  • Double   € 1,600
  • Triple       € 1,500
  • This rate is inclusive of housekeeping, 3 daily meals (except on free days and trips) 


  • Single   € 800
  • Double € 600


  • Women Life Coaching here 
  • € 75/session
  • Pack of 4 plus 1 Reiki: € 360
  • Reiki here 
  • € 75/session 
  • Rolfing here 
  • USD 100/session 

Please note

  • Rates include housekeeping and 3 daily vegetarian/fish meals (except on days off and during trips)
  • Please pay 90 days BEFORE the start of the training (due to accommodation payments); after 90 days there is a surcharge of € 300.- (unless registration takes place during this period and payment is made within one week)
  • Room requests: first come, first serve
  • We reserve the right to change accommodation at short notice
  • In some resorts some single rooms share a house and/or bathroom
  • Triple is not always available
  • In case of overbooking in all destinations, we will switch to neighbouring resorts
  • Flexible Terms  – installation payments and scholarships for Indonesians & content creators email 
  • Payment details here
  • Yoga Alliance Certification
  • Personal contact & guidance via email and whats app with Yoga Bali management 
  • Welcome drink – & bag with manual (complete course material), notebook, pen, sarong with ribbon and surprises
  • 170 direct contact hours with teachers
  • 4 island excursions
  • Numerous activities & ceremonies
  • Accommodation and meals (except on days off and on trips)
  • Access to Beate’s a complete online video library for 1 month
  • After completing our trainings, you will receive the “Yoga Bali 10 week Beginner’s Course” to teach, so that you can teach a practical course in addition to the sequences you have learned.

What is not included?

  • Flights, airport transfers
  • Transfers between destinations
  • Meals on days off & on trips
  • Money transfer costs
  • Additional excursions (4 excursions are included)
  • Therapies, massages, spa

You are in best hands to obtain your internationally recognized certificate

Structure & Content of the 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Asana, Pranayama & Meditation

Anatomy & Physiology

Yoga Energetics

Yoga History,
Teachers, Styles & Philosophy

Yoga Methodology & Yoga Ethics


Yogic Lifestyle

Mental Health

Social Responsibility

Bali Studies

Sustainability, Environmental Protection & Permaculture

Curricular Activities

Experience an unforgettable, often life-changing time in Bali
and receive practical tools from the ancient art,
to create the life you envision!

Yoga Holiday Bali

Travel to Bali on your well deserved time-out knowing that everything is taken care of and you can let yourself fall into a deep journey of the island, yoga and self!

Referrals, Incentives & Sponsorships

  • €150 plus 1 month video library for booked referrals
  • Sponsorships for Indonesian nationals and content creators. Write us email on why you’re eligible for the sponsorship!

Accommodation, Destinations & Cuisine

Each Yoga Bali Journey is individually designed and we meander to 3 to 4 destinations of different styles from the mountains on the slopes of Batukaru across rice fields to the beach on the East Cast of Bali:

  • Wooden Java Joglos on the slopes of volcano Batukaru
  • Traditional Bali style in the lush rice fields or jungle of Ubud / Sidemen
  • Boho Beach Life in Candi Dasa with private beach just for us
  • Village by the beach in Amed with 3 pools & kayak

Details on accommodation & destinations here & cuisine here

Asana, Pranayama & Meditation


  • Multi-Style: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin
  • Daily 2,5 – 4,5 hrs of practice of  Asana, Meditation & Pranayama
  • Free movement, Dance, Ecstatic Dance,  Bootcamp, Strength- & Fascia Training
  • Detailed study of yoga asana, their alignment, cues, adjustments & Sanskrit Names
  • Basic therapeutic Yoga (eg for headache, pregnancy, menstruation, back…)


  • Practice of Ujayii 1-8, 
  • Single & alternate nostril breathing plus 
  • 5 other Pranayama Stiles


  • Daily 5-60 min. meditation
  • Experiencing a variety of sitting/lying meditations 
  • Walking meditations
  • „Morning Silence“
  • Day of Silence
  • Meditation Theory

Anatomy & Physiology

  • Study of the human anatomy Level 1
  • Practical anatomical application of  yoga positions
  • Anatomical yoga Level 1 (eg poses, knees, shoulders)
  • Therapeutic Yoga Level 1
  • Massage and body-oriented therapies optional (Rolfing, Reiki)

Yoga Energetics

  • Koshas – human layers system
  • Nadis & Chakras – energy centers & channels
  • Vayus – 5 energy directions on and around the human body
  • Gunas – 3 main characteristics 
  • Bandhas – locking points to contain energy
  • Drishtis – visual focus points to contain energy

Yoga History, Teachers & Styles and Yoga Philosophy

– Different yoga styles

– Yoga lineage: origin & history of yoga, lineage of teachers and their styles

– Study of Ancient Yogic Texts (Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras)

Yoga Methodology & Teacher Ethics

– Ethics & principles of a yoga teacher

– The art of teaching yoga

– What is Hatha Yoga? What is Vinyasa?

– Adaptations & Demos

– Sequencing

– Voice & Presentation of a Yoga Teacher

– Creation of a yoga class/topic

– Study of the mental, energetic and spiritual aspects of yoga

– Sadhana: Creating your own daily personal yoga practice

– Yoga as a business


  • yoga related deities of the Hindo mythology and their 
  • mantras and chanting

Yogic Lifestyle

  • Nutrition, cleansing, fasting, ayurveda, sadhana Level 1
  • Creation of daily personal practice, Sadhana
  • Exploration of Values
  • Exploration of the tools for Manifestation (Sankalpa)

Mental Health

– Study of the self, personal development work alone, with partners and in groups using ancient and modern modalities

– The work of/with Byron Katie: group work with form filling, group discussions

– 12 steps of the training – Discussion of the 4 Agreements by Miguel Ruiz

– Optional work with life coach and psycho-therapist

– Snorkelling, swimming, kayaking together or individually for mental health

– Massages & spa to relax body & mind


Social Responsibility

  • karma projects and presentations
  • Bhagavad Gita discussions & reflections
  • focus on community spirit, group events and team & partner work

Bali studies of Nature, Culture, Rituals & Spirituality

  • Up close experience and discussions about spirituality, offerings, ceremonies, customs, rituals, community spirit (Banjar, Gotong Royong) of Bali
  • Island explorations with appreciation/connection with the beauty of nature: hiking through rice fields, swimming in waterfall & sea, snorkelling in the sea, ocean boat trips

  • Balinese water purification ceremony and blessings at Tirta Gangga holy water temple

  • Study of the similarities between Hinduism and Yoga

Sustainability, Environmental Protection & Permaculture

  • Hiking through Jati Luwih rice fields, learning about the ancient irrigation system
  • Hike/guided tour through a coffee plantation with Kentri. Learn about biodynamic cultivation, organic farming, permaculture, nutrition, sustainability
  • Water only from your own bottles – use as few plastic bottles & plastic bags as possible
  • Own bamboo straw

Curricular Activities

  • Group dynamic work in nature & in the studio
  • Walks, with theory work in garden, river, beach and excursions
  • Walking meditations on the beach and on the mountain
  • Campfires at the resort and on the beach; fireside evenings in the mountains combined with new moon and manifestation rituals
  • Snorkelling, swimming, kayaking together or individually for mental health
  • Dancing & ecstatic dance in Ubud or our studio
  • Ceremony (if full moon during training) & cacao ceremony to expand consciousness
  • Massages & spa to relax body & mind
  • Therapies/ (Rolfing), Reiki & Life Coaching


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