

The Power of Kindness

Acts of the Heart to Light Up the World Yoga means “Connection” – meaning that NOTHING is separate. Neither you and me, nor me and

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Theme of the Month 2021

Practice To Freedom

YOGA AS A TRANSFORMATIONAL TOOL TO LIBERATION We live in an age of change when the concept of “freedom” is being even more challenged. We

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Theme of the Month 2020


After the devastating fires in Australia, the first new bushes and trees are sprouting from the ground. It is so good to see, that nature

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Theme of the Month 2020

Compassion – Karuna

As we forge ahead in 2020 to February, the month of Love, we are persuaded by its mysticism to devote our monthly theme to “compassion”.

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Theme of the Month 2020

Courage to move forward

Moving forward towards your goals requires effort, energy and above all COURAGE. Courage is that strong deep force, the will power, to do, create, move,

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Festive Attitude of Gratitude

The holiday season is approaching, Christmas markets start popping up everywhere in Vienna ; lights, Christmas decorations and candles begin dressing the city and the

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Theme of the Month 2019


Earlier this year we introduced the yogic concept of “Tapas”, one of the Niyamas, the second limb of the 8-fold path. One aspect of tapas,

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Theme of the Month 2019

Yoga in everyday life

“I can’t do yoga, I’m not flexible enough”, “Yoga is not for me, it’s too slow/boring/straining for me…”. Who hasn’t heard these or similar statements,

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