Yoga Holiday

Travel to Bali on your well deserved time-out knowing that all the details are taken care of and you can let yourself fall into a deep journey of the island, yoga and self! 

Your Yoga Bali vacation takes place at the same time as the training and is ideal for family and friends of the training participants or yoga enthusiasts who want to experience the depths of a training.

Choose the length of your yoga vacation from 1-4 weeks!

Your Yoga Bali Holiday includes exciting elements: from a culinary journey, deepening your yoga practice, island excursions & activities to self-study & regeneration:

Costs plus accommodation

  • weekly € 550 
  • 3 weeks € 1.500 
  • 4 weeks € 1,800 
  • additional hours at € 10/hour 
  • full ytt without certification add € 300
not included
flights, airport transfers, transfers between destinations, food on free days and during trips, money transfer fees, extra trips (4-5 included), therapies & coaching, spa, massages


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